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Sunday, January 1, 2012

My all

I took this picture today on our walk to the park...because...well, it just made me smile. This is my life, my everything, my family, my heart and soul all in one single picture.

Amazing isn't it. Photographs really can sum it all up.

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Resolutions...2012

"Time is a thief I would rob" ~Lady Antebellum The Heart of the World

So true when you have kids, right? What we wouldn't give to have those newborn days back, or those days when they depended on us for every little thing.
While we are in midst of those days though, we get bogged down with the monotony, the chores, the dependency, the stress...the day to day of work, home, parenthood, marriage, etc., etc., that we tend to forget that our lives are simply passing us by...our KIDS lives are passing us by.
While I have had my week off from work, my kids have been home from school, and we've had lots of days where we have just been home in our PJ's all day, I have come to realize that I have a lot to change around here. Starting with habits, my perspective, my priorities...
What better time for change than a NEW YEAR, right? So here they NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS for 2012...
...drumroll please...

Less FACEBOOK...possibly even deleting the app or the account all together...but lets just start with LESS. Baby steps, right? I know, I know...dumb one...but it's something I know I need to change, so why not write it down...make it official.

More blogging. I want to do this for me...get my thoughts out of my head and maybe someplace constructive, but I also want to document our lives for our kiddos. We do a lot of fun stuff, I have a lot of funny stories to tell, so this is the place to do it.

More pics of the kids AND the family. They are cute and funny and need to be photographed. I need to be in the pictures with them and not just behind the camera/phone. Along with this I promise to actually get them printed, and displayed in our house somehow...someway.

So...there they are. Those are the ones I have EVERY intention of following through on. Of course there are always the normal ones I make every year...exercise, stop biting my nails...blah blah blah...I never complete those. But the ones above...those have some substance, they are important, they make sense, and they mean a lot to me and I think they will make a difference in my daily life, and in my kids here's to a NEW YEAR and a FRESH START.

I see you 2012....BRING IT!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Getting back into the swing of things...

Well hellloooo there blog!! Long time, no post!! Sorry 'bout's been a tad busy around here what with raising these two crazies...
Thennnn we went and added this little one to the mix...
The BIG girls are now three and a half, and the baby (if you can even call her that anymore) is 19 months old.
They make for a full-time job, and then some, but we are having a blast and wouldn't trade a single minute of this craziness for anything in the world.
I'll be back with some New Year's Resolutions and such soon...
Till then...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just because she's cute...

Because Sissy has a video, I had to post one of Laila. Mommy has to be fair. Here's our cute girl, just being cute! Enjoy!

Sophia is walking...

My big girl is practicing her walking skills...just wanted to share, because we are SOOOOO proud!

Laila's will be posted when she decides she's ready...she just thinks it's super funny to watch Sissty do it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Do all 1 year olds do this stuff...?

I just can't even believe that she thought of this herself...she had to, because lord knows neither her Daddy nor I are crawling under that table!

She will literally get herself under that table and move her little head around until she finds the opening and then crawl through it!!

Gotta love the big smile at the end, and she even says "I DID IT!!"

Super smart little girl!

Craaaaazzzzzzyyyyyy Hair!

Both of my girls have been known a time or two for their crazy hair! Well the other day Bean went down for a nap with piggies in, and woke up with this hairdo...

Enough said...